Logo and Mark Design
Logo, Typography, and Mark Design
Weak brand identities, low design aesthetics, and a lack of attention to detail or direction are the usual problems we confront with these projects.
Fix design problems and provide concise, clear direction and instructions on keeping and maintaining brand and corporate consistency.
Logo, mark, and identity design has been a staple of our business throughout the years. Most people consider this type of work to be their "brand" but while a complete brand is much more than a logo, the company or organizational or product logo and mark design plays an intricate part in the branding process.

The work of designing a logo or mark is a process of corporate or product evaluation, measuring the completion, and then implementing proper design thinking and problem solving. The complete design process when followed will produce a logo mark that will stand out and be a strong visual to help represent and support any brand.

Beyond the design work of a logo, an important part of implementing a strong visual identity is the completion of a corporate or organization style guide. A comprehensive style guide will help ensure that the logo mark design is used properly in all instances of print or web work, it will provide answers to common logo usage questions, includes all color scheme metrics, and maintains that the logo stays "on-brand" and is accurately targeted to its intended audience.
Craft your story,
grow your business.
You know who you are, your mission, and your vision for your organization, but who else knows?
We can help you show the world!
Let’s Make it happen